The UCW Radio Host Louis Velazquez had the opportunity to have reality show star Cindy “Rodeo” Steedle on the show, she was featured in Bret Michaels’ Rock of Love as well as Sharon Osborne’s Charm School on VH1.
Cindy “Rodeo” ‘s story is one of not giving up, from her battle with cancer to battling with her pregnancy and all in between. She is not only a reality show star but she is a top personal trainer, spokesperson for various products, figure competitor and above all a great mom.
This interview is one of survival and standing tall, something that Cindy did with some, but shadow it with a smile and a cheerful laugh.
She talks about her involved with support our troops, visiting V.A. hospitals and her charity guest appearances that have put a smile on U.S. Soldiers, this is a must listen to interview as it shows you whole the real Cindy Steedle aka “Rodeo” is.