Reality Show Star Ashley was one of the finalists from Charm School 3 hosted by Ricki Lake, this is a spinoff school showcasing the contestants of the Bret Michaels hit reality love show “Rock of Love Bus”, which Ashley was a contestant in as well. Ashley was a finalist on Charm School 3 and although lots have been said or featured about her online or in the reality TV show tabloids, maybe this interview will shed some light on the real Ashley and at the very least get some feedback on her future plans and appearances.
Her fans need to know that she does not have an official Twitter Account, she does not Twitter so if you see anything out there then its a FAKE and report it. She does not have an official site and she only uses MySpace as a way to communicate with her fans, and here is her MySpace page:
And YES it is really Ashley updating and replying, so support her, go to her appearances listed on MySpace, keep an eye on her as the right Reality TV Show situation may be coming around the corner if there is a smart producer in the house!!